Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our two party system needs to change. Each party approaches government as if it were a game. Each "play" undergoes an evaluation based on the likelihood it will put points on the board. The object of this game is to win. Our politicians have lost sight of the purpose of our government. The object should be to provide the most effective and efficient use of our resources for the protection and well being of "we, the people."  Using the game analogy was polite. One could have easily used that of two gangs. Competition can be a bad thing in some contexts.

Read Dorothy's recommendation in Tailspin.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Where are our journalists when we need them?  Why do they let politicians and other would-be leaders get away with using the term job creators and accept the fallacy that raising taxes on these wealthy individuals or companies would result in the creation of less jobs?  I've worked in small business and large and no decision to create a job or hire a person had anything in the least to do with income tax rates.  People are hired according to business need. What's worse, are our politicians so stupid that they believe the words coming out of their own mouths or are they intentionally spreading these false assumptions?  In either event, we should be disturbed and vote them out.